Theater, gender and society (1940-1968)


  • Heloisa Pontes Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico



São Paulo, Intellectuals, Acresses, Jorge Andrade, Dramaturgy


Grasping the relations between the city, intellectual life, the university and the theater through the prism of the social history of culture and gender relations requires close attention to the characteristics of social experience and its retranslation into specific symbolic forms. Whilst the relationship between theater, the university and the city signaled diverging paths in some contexts, in others those routes converged in formal and social similarities, as I hope to show in this paper by analyzing the situation in São Paulo during the 40s and 50s - a time that saw the implementation of a cultural system without precedent in Brazilian history. Hence the decision to juxtapose two distinct experiences, those of theater and intellectual output, in order to underscore the sociological warp that aligned them synchronically in the same cultural weft.


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Dossiê - Brasil: Cultura e Sociedade

How to Cite

Pontes, H. (2010). Theater, gender and society (1940-1968) . Tempo Social, 22(1), 29-46.