Differential mobilities and institutionalised illegalities: trends and contradictions of contemporary labour


  • Jacob Carlos Lima Universidade Federal de São Carlos. Departamento de Sociologia
  • Angelo Martins Junior University of London. Goldsmiths College




Precariousness of life, Migration, Labor regulation, Illegalities


This article analyses the new rearrangements and trends of capital and labour regarding the new forms of organising the capital and labour as well the mobilities and control of both, which emerged from the political, economic, social and cultural changes of the last four decades. We argue that by highlighting the contemporary trends and contradictions of capital and labour, focusing on deregulatory disposition on one hand and on regulatory disposition on the other, we can see the formation of processes of differential mobilities (and inclusions) as well a growing situation of precariousness in the contemporary social life. This article is based, empirically, on a range of studies developed at the Laboratory of Work, Professions and Mobility, at the Federal University of São Carlos, which include researches conducted on workers in Brazil as well as on Brazilian immigrants in London.


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Author Biographies

  • Jacob Carlos Lima, Universidade Federal de São Carlos. Departamento de Sociologia

    Professor titular do Departamento de Sociologia da UFSCar. 

  • Angelo Martins Junior, University of London. Goldsmiths College

    Professor do Departamento de Sociiologia do Goldsmiths College da University of London.


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Dossiê: Sociedade, trabalho e sindicalismo na contemporaneidade

How to Cite

Lima, J. C., & Martins Junior, A. (2018). Differential mobilities and institutionalised illegalities: trends and contradictions of contemporary labour. Tempo Social, 30(1), 31-51. https://doi.org/10.11606/0103-2070.ts.2018.138076