From Maurice Halbwachs to the Philosophy of Mind: rethinking memory from externalist approaches




Sociology of memory, Maurice Halbwachs, Philosophy of Mind, Externalism


The article reconstructs the main contributions of Maurice Halbwachs as an externalist approach to memory. It also explores its interpretative aspects derived from his conceptual  inaccuracies. In parallel, the article reconstitutes the main ideas and aspects that evolved from the  'extended mind hypothesis” – a  contemporary externalist approach of  Philosophy of Mind. These two reconstructions put externalist  explanations about memory in  dialogue, recognizing their similarities
and potential mutual contributions. By doing so, we demonstrate how the externalist approaches to mind were concerned with many aspects already placed in Halbwachs’ work – what justifies the revival of his texts as a source for new developments in  Philosophy of Mind. Finally, we comment on empirical issues and missing questions (such as the  "meaning”) in Halbwachs’ work and the mind’s externalist approaches.


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Author Biography

  • Veridiana Domingos Cordeiro, Universidade de São Paulo

    Socióloga formada pela USP. Possui mestrado e doutorado em Sociologia pela USP, com estágio doutoral na University of Chicago. Pesquisadora de pós-doutorado na City University of Yokohama. Autora do livro Sociology in Brazil: a brief institucional and intelectual history (Palgrave Mc Millan, 2019). Pesquisa nas áreas de Sociologia da Memória, Sociologia da Mente, Sociologia Digital e Sociologia da Produção de Conhecimento.


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How to Cite

Cordeiro, V. D. (2021). From Maurice Halbwachs to the Philosophy of Mind: rethinking memory from externalist approaches. Tempo Social, 33(3), 255-280.