Poor people’s Bastilles and democracy’s prisons: a reflection about a “trade-off” between liberty and (self-)control





Prisons, Self-control, Self-government, Democracy


This essay intends to analyze the relationship between class struggle and prison from two dimensions in modern societies: as a repressive mechanism that operates against political vanguards and as a mechanism that produces discipline over broad social strata, more specifically the dispossessed classes. To fulfill this objective, we use the image of the traditional Bastille, to illustrate the first dimension, and the poor people’s bastilles, to refer to the second. Poor people’s bastilles were constituted as a means of anthropological transformation of the people strongly linked to an idea of democracy as self-government. The self-control to be acquired in prison was inherently tied to the self-government of democracy, as in a “trade-off”. This was the case in the elaboration of the Enlightenment, from seventeenth-century Quakers to Beccaria to Bentham’s Panopticon. The case of the USA is exemplary in this sense, as it allows us to understand the relationship between self-control, inscribed in the project of prison discipline, and self-government, as the free exercise of political citizenship.


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Author Biography

  • Dario Melossi, Universidade de Bolonha

    Professor alma mater da Universidade de Bolonha e distinguished affiliated scholar do Center for the Study of Law and Society, da Universidade da Califórnia/Berkley. Depois do bacharelado em Direito, na Universidade de Bolonha e do doutorado em Sociologia na Universidade da Califórnia/Santa Bárbara, foi professor associado da Universidade da Califórnia/Davis, até que nos anos de 1990 voltou para Bolonha. Publicou Cárcere e fábrica: as origens do sistema penitenciário (séculos XVI-XIX) (1977, junto com Massimo Pavarini), The state of social control: A sociological study of concepts of state and social control in the making of democracy (1990) e Controlling crime, controlling society: thinking about crime in Europe and America (2008). Além disso, tem mais de duzentas outras publicações. Foi editor da revista Punishment and Society e agora é editor chefe do European Journal of Criminology. Em 2007 recebeu o International Scholarship Prize da Law and Society Association e em 2014 o European Criminology Award da Sociedade Europeia de Criminologia. Seu livro mais recente é Crime, punishment and migration (2015). Suas pesquisas em andamento dizem respeito ao processo de construção do desvio e do controle social na União Europeia, especialmente em relação aos processos migratórios.


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Dossier - Sociology and Criminology: overlappings, strains and conflicts

How to Cite

Melossi, D. (2020). Poor people’s Bastilles and democracy’s prisons: a reflection about a “trade-off” between liberty and (self-)control. Tempo Social, 32(3), 229-245. https://doi.org/10.11606/0103-2070.ts.2020.176240