Inequality and legitimacy: problematizing the production of social knowledge




Social research and inequality, Fieldwork, Authorship, Regulation of discourses


In the last 40 years, the social sciences and especially anthropology have gone through substantial changes. In this article, I reflect on questions and dilemmas related to the way of  producing social research, especially through fieldwork in situations marked by large inequalities. These questions
also relate to how to conceive of the representation of the findings and to authorship. Finally, they relate to the possibilities of the circulation of  discourses.


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Author Biography

  • Teresa Pires do Rio Caldeira, Universidade da Califórnia

    Antropóloga e professora no Departamento de Planejamento Urbano e Regional na Universidade da Califórnia. 


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Dossier – Legitimation and legitimacy

How to Cite

Caldeira, T. P. do R. (2021). Inequality and legitimacy: problematizing the production of social knowledge. Tempo Social, 33(3), 21-45.