Zodiacs confluence: the social conditions for the French Sociological Association foundation





Sociology of Intellectuals, History of Sociology, French Sociology


The article seeks to understand the social conditions for the creation of the French Sociological Association (AFS) in 2002. At first, a historical reconstitution of French sociological associations prior to the AFS is made. Then, the context that preceded the creation of the AFS is analyzed, observing the discredit of sociology and its institutional fragility based on an exemplary case: the controversy caused by the defense of the thesis of astrologer Elizabeth Teissier. Finally, we analyze the various motivations of those involved in the creation of AFS and some changes that occurred over its twenty years until it became an association with a strong presence of young researchers.


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Author Biography

  • Eduardo Dimitrov, Universidade de Brasília (UnB)

    Professor do Departamento de Sociologia do Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Brasília (UnB).


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How to Cite

Dimitrov, E. (2023). Zodiacs confluence: the social conditions for the French Sociological Association foundation. Tempo Social, 35(3), 113-135. https://doi.org/10.11606/0103-2070.ts.2023.209826