The citizenship of the injuried worker: (re)cognition of the right to social rights


  • Sedi Hirano Universidade de São Paulo. Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas
  • Cristina Pozzi Redko Universidade de São Paulo. Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas
  • Vera Regina Toledo Ferraz Universidade de São Paulo



Citizenship of the worker, Health of the workers, Violence in the world of labour, Social rights, Justice


This study attempts to show the injuried worker´s hard way to the discovery of citizienship, where the knowledge of rights is a fight for first class citizenship equality, that is, for access to justice and social rights. This fight beguins ar the moment of the work accident in the world lf labour, where insecure and unhealthy conditions of work prevail. It continues in the health institution´s, places of an appaling and almost-animal suffering, where the injuried workers find out the abyssal inequality in the acess of social rights. Once this is discovered, juridically, socially and physically injuried workers find in the unions means to operate their citizenship rights, thus being able to crosss the border from the condition of second class to first class citizens. It is in their unions that workers are able to assert their right to work and find the space for regulate, organize and articulate the fight for social rights.


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Author Biography

  • Vera Regina Toledo Ferraz, Universidade de São Paulo

    Pesquisadora do Núcleo de Estudos da Violência, Universidade de São Paulo.






How to Cite

Hirano, S., Redko, C. P., & Ferraz, V. R. T. (1990). The citizenship of the injuried worker: (re)cognition of the right to social rights. Tempo Social, 2(1), 127-150.