Modernity, identity and border culture


  • Boaventura de Sousa Santos Faculdade de Economia de Coimbra



Modernity, Subjectivity, Identity, Culture, Border culture, Portugal, Semiperiphery


In this work, I analyse the identities of sexual, ethnic and cultural roots, in the light of the historic process that intended to supress them - without success, in fact, as has now been proved. With regard, I refer to the romantic and marxist replies of the reductionism carried out by modernity in tis hegemonic version. I give special care to the question of Portuguese cultural identity and propose a work hypothesis on its characterization.


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Author Biography

  • Boaventura de Sousa Santos, Faculdade de Economia de Coimbra

    Professor da Faculdade de Economia de Coimbra e Centro de Estudos Sociais.


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How to Cite

Santos, B. de S. (1993). Modernity, identity and border culture. Tempo Social, 5(1/2), 31-52.