The subject in Foucault: aesthetics of existence or moral experiment?


  • Jurandir Freire Costa Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro



Foucault, Subject, Aesthetics of existence, Sexual practices and roles, Homossexualism, Sado-masochism


The article discusses the objections taken to Foucault´s ideas about the subject´s ethics which would lead to an absence of compromise with universal values and principles of the liberal democracies. Discussing Taylor´s, Hochlitz´s, Hadot´s and Rorty´s propositions Foucault´s answer would be formulated based on a radical change in the subject´s image and in the ways of building up relations which, in case of sexuality, as the categories are re-defined, would question the actual moral hierarchy of sexual practices with his fixed domination and subjection relationships.


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Author Biography

  • Jurandir Freire Costa, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

    Professor do Instituto de Medicina Social da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro.


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Foucault - um pensamento desconcertante

How to Cite

Costa, J. F. (1995). The subject in Foucault: aesthetics of existence or moral experiment?. Tempo Social, 7(1/2), 121-135.