Paris, May 1968: witness of a student


  • Michel Thiollent Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro



May 1968, Complaint, Students movement, Social crise, University


This article aims to present the happenigs occured in France in May 1968 and its consequences in the intelectual and university world. The topics are the context of the university crises, the forms of studanfs complaint against the teaching of Social Sciences and Economy and the intelectual sources of the movement. Based on unpublished documents, many experiences of alternative communication are described and the relationship between students and employees during the happenning and even an attempt to make a Popular University in the 13"1 district of Paris, from July to October 1968, as well. Some aspects of the debates and the evolution of the Social Sciences and the Philosophy post 68 are analised. This period was remarked by the crises of the socialist set of ideas and the growth of the individualism.


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Author Biography

  • Michel Thiollent, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

    Professor do COPPE da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ).


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Dossiê Maio de 68

How to Cite

Thiollent, M. (1998). Paris, May 1968: witness of a student. Tempo Social, 10(2), 63-100.