Reflecting in/on field theory in practice


  • Michael Grenfell University of Southampton


Mots-clés :

Bourdieu, Reflexivity, Methodology


The article discuses the dimension of reflexivity within the work of the social theorist Pierre Bourdieu. It alludes to the provenance of Bourdieu’s theory of practice and the epistemology, which underpins it. Language is a key element in reflexivity, the article therefore outline’s Bourdieu approach to language and the significance it holds in the development of his key concepts, as well as the relationship between subject and object. Reference is made to the works of Habermas, Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty and others to offer a ground base in just what Bourdieusian reflexivity is and how it operates in practice. Phases and stages in methodology are referred to as well as how reflexivity should operate within them. Finally, the significance of the discussion is underlined with reference to consequent outcomes.



Biographie de l'auteur

  • Michael Grenfell, University of Southampton

    Research director na University of Southampton e professor-adjunto na University of Canberra, Australia. Trabalhou com Bourdieu em vários projetos, incluindo três períodos como professor visitante na École des Hautes Études (Paris) e tem uma extensa obra sobre o sociólogo francês.


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Comment citer

Grenfell, M. (2018). Reflecting in/on field theory in practice. Tempo Social, 30(2), 195-217.