Contemporary fictional perspectives on the modernisation and the globalisation in southern cities

Crossed readings of Cinzas do norte, O desejo de Kianda and Texaco


  • François Weigel Universidade de São Paulo



contemporary novel, cities, african literature, caribean literature, brazilian literature


In a context of important social transformations, and of economic and urbanistic modernisation, Texaco (1992) by Patrick Chamoiseau, O desejo de Kianda (1995) by Pepetela and Cinzas do norte (2005) by Milton Hatoum are three novels that, despite evident differences regarding the cities but also the plots and the writing styles, represent, with fragmentary structures, the diversity and the pulsation of urban life, whereas the capitalism tends to disaggregate the human bonds. We will try to analyse how these novels interrogate the destruction of nature and the transformation, badly planned, of urban landscapes; how they grasp the accentuation of social and spatial contrasts, that are seeds of poverty and urban violence; and, finally, how they represent peripheral zones that were built hastily because of the increase of the population, in areas that were all impacted by the colonisation.


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How to Cite

Weigel, F. (2018). Contemporary fictional perspectives on the modernisation and the globalisation in southern cities: Crossed readings of Cinzas do norte, O desejo de Kianda and Texaco. Revista Criação & Crítica, 22, 72-84.