Uma cifra três vezes alheia: o alheamento poético, editorial e tradutório no Livro do Desassossego, de Fernando Pessoa


  • Ana Paula de Bortoli União das Faculdades dos Grandes Lagos
  • Lígia Maria Winter Universidade Estadual de Campinas



Estrangement, Translation, Fernando Pessoa, Book of Disquiet.


This paper aims to think about Fernando Pessoa’s Book of Disquiet, focusing on three forms of estrangement: the poetics of estrangement, the editorial estrangement and the translation as a kind of estrangement. The first one will be considered  through  the reading of In the Forest of Estrangement, a text that carries the concept in  its  title and differs from the rest of the fragments. The second one will be considered from the point of view of  the discourses of the different organizers, editors and translators, the “others” that play an “author-role” in the process of republishing the book. The last part brings the English version In the Forest of Estrangement by Richard Zenith (1999), in order to discuss his fidelity intentions in contrast with the text’s transformations. In tension with this book, published and republished after the author’s death, a private signature remains: the cipher L. do D., which Fernando Pessoa used to classify the texts that belonged to a book kept  unpublished until his death and that was composed such as life.


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How to Cite

Bortoli, A. P. de, & Winter, L. M. (2010). Uma cifra três vezes alheia: o alheamento poético, editorial e tradutório no Livro do Desassossego, de Fernando Pessoa. Revista Criação & Crítica, 5, 36-61.