When the author pretends to disappear: auctorial figurations and mystifications during Romanticism


  • Victoire Feuillebois Aix-Marseille Université




Romanticism, Authorship, Authorial figurations, Literature and cultural history, Forgery, Orality


This paper aims at illustrating how one theoretical model, that of authorial figurations, recently contributed to the renewal of the studies on   the author and the authorship in French literature studies. With this model, scholars have sought to go beyond the depreciation which the structuralism and the theory of the deconstruction had cast on the manifestations of the author in the text and on the direct representations of his voice. This paper tries to reread this authorial presence in the light of cultural history and to show that these authorial figurations aim neither to give a faithful representation of the true author, nor to mimic the real narrative authorities at work in the text. The romantic forgery is an exemplary illustration of this model: the author seems to disappear behind a misleading figure, only to better assert his narrative power. The forgery establishes a hybrid strategy :  writers attract their readers with the promise of a direct contact with the author, but they develop a narrative manipulation in which the reader is left with only the text itself.


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How to Cite

Feuillebois, V. (2014). When the author pretends to disappear: auctorial figurations and mystifications during Romanticism. Revista Criação & Crítica, 12, 88-105. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.1984-1124.v0i12p88-105