The family in disruptive situations caused by hospitalization


  • Arlete C. Bomfim Universidade Católica do Salvador
  • Ana Cecília Bastos Universidade Federal da Bahia
  • Ana M. A. Carvalho UCSal



Family and crisis, Coping strategies, Family and disease


This paper focuses on the disruptive situation provoked by the hospitalization of a member of the family due to sudden illnesses or accidents, requiring a coping reaction on the part of the family. We present results referring to six families that faced this situation, obtained through in-depth interviews with a member of the family. Firstly the families and the situations are characterized, and the coping strategies identified in each case are described. The analysis of the strategies is then presented, through the identification of differences and similarities between the cases. In every case there is the reorganization of the family in response to the event and to the resulting demands; coping strategies varied, but social support was always present. Some questions for future studies and for the preparation of health professionals are suggested.


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