Prevalence of enteroparasites in municipie at São Paulo state
prevalence, parasites, basic sanitation, povertyAbstract
Parasites still constitute a major public health problem, especially in developing countries like Brazil, where appear among the main endemic diseases. The parasitic diseases area mong the most frequent in the low income population, affecting mainly children due to inadequate hygienic habits. The objective is to assess the prevalence of intestinal parasites in patients users of a Joint Health Unit from Bom Jesus dos Perdões, São Paulo, Brazil. Among the 2524 results analyzed 396 (15.69%) were positive for one or more of helminth and protozoan parasites. The highest rate of infection by the protozoan was Endolimax nana, non-pathogenic parasite, a marker of fecal-oral contamination. Coproparasitologic inquiries must be encouraged both in the urban and rural areas. Parasitic infections are still increasing among people of both urban and rural communities, and seem to be caused by uncontrolled population increase, mainly in the periphery of urban agglomerations.References
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