Bertolt Brecht's political commitment


  • Beatriz Calló Universidade de São Paulo



Bertolt Brecht, Epic theater, Commitment, Learning plays


Bertolt Brecht (1898-1956), German playwright and director, devoted his entire oeuvre to critical thinking and exploring the workings of social processes. His commitment to the political and cultural issues of his time - such as the advance of Nazi-fascism, his life in exile, and his criticism of capitalism –, as well as the theoretical formulation of a new form of theatrical production that opposes the bourgeois, hegemonic and market theater, find concreteness in his artistic practice, collectively realized in the work of the Berliner Ensemble, a theater group created by him and Helene Weigel in September 1949. It was his involvement with social issues that led him to develop a new way of making theater and to radicalize and refunctionalize the device. Based on a dialogue with Adorno and Benjamin, the article discusses the question of Brechtian engagement in light of aspects of his work.


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Author Biography

  • Beatriz Calló, Universidade de São Paulo

    Beatriz Calló é doutoranda em Língua e Literatura Alemã na Universidade de São Paulo.


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