About the Journal


Manuscrítica - Journal of Genetic Criticism, ISSN 2596-2477 and Qualis B2 (Brazilian ranking)*, is a publication of the Association of Researchers in Genetic Criticism (APCG) and the Graduate Program in Foreign Languages and Translation (PPG LETRA, in the Brazilian acronym) at the University of São Paulo. Since 1990, Manuscrítica has published papers that dialogue with genetic criticism, a discipline that studies creation processes in several areas, such as literature, visual arts, theatre, and cinema.

* Source: Plataforma Sucupira


The journal has the following sections: 

Passado a limpo – completed researches, publications, and events; 

Ateliê – essays and papers, with recent or in progress studies, that are part of thematic dossiers proposed through calls;

Incipit – essays, and papers, with recent or in progress studies, that are not part of thematic dossiers proposed through calls;

Diálogo – interview with writers and artists; 

Comentário – reviews;

Tradução e Fac-símile – documents.



Manuscrítica accepts, in a continuous flow, original and unpublished papers authored by individuals or collectives. The publication is evaluated by peer reviewers and the Editorial Committee. 

The submitted papers are previously evaluated by the Editorial Team, which examines the adequacy to the journal’s editorial line and then forwards them for evaluation through a double-blind review system by two ad hoc peer-reviewers. The approved paper will be the one recommended by two peer reviewers. In case of disagreement, the editor will decide to deny the paper or send it to a third peer-reviewer. 

In case of acceptance, the author will receive the reviews and will have up to 10 days to send a new file with revisions and modifications, if necessary. 

The journal guarantees that peer reviewers and papers represent the plurality of institutions that research creative processes.



Three numbers a year.



This journal offers immediate free access to its contents, following the principle that making scientific knowledge available to the public allows greater worldwide democratization of knowledge.

There are no charges for publication.