Semiotics as resistance in the context of the Latin American semiosphere




Translation, Semiosphere, Yuri Lotman, Desiderio Navarro, Doxa, Semiotics of resistance


This paper addresses the relations of Desiderio Navarro’s translational-editorial project with the introduction of Eastern Europe semiotic theories into the Latin America. Working as translator-critic-essayist and publisher, the Cuban scholar faced the challenge of confronting the hegemony of French and American semiotic theories with Russian contributions in order to disseminate the ideas of cultural semiotic. Navarro challenged geopolitical doxas and used his critical studies as an authentic semiotics of resistance. From his acquaintance with the semioticians of culture he established the foundations of semiotic thinking among Latin American scholars.


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Author Biography

  • Irene de Araujo Machado, Universidade de São Paulo

    Associate Professor of Communication Sciences at the University of São Paulo (USP), where she works at the School of Communications and Arts and at the Postgraduate Program in Audiovisual Media and Processes. She is the recipient of a Research Productivity Scholarship from the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (PQ-CNPq 1-D).


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How to Cite

Machado, I. de A. (2019). Semiotics as resistance in the context of the Latin American semiosphere. MATRIZes, 13(3), 183-204.