The book as a cognitive prosthesis




Contemplative, Moving, Immersive, Ubiquitous reader


Beyond reader of books, the twentieth century saw the birth of a new kind of image reader in photos, advertisements, and movies: the moving reader. Then with the emergence of the internet, came the immersive reader, who navigates and interacts on the webs’ information highways. Next, the advent of mobile media brought along with the ubiquitous reader, who has access to information wherever it may be. Given this sequential and plural framework, this article asserts the need to maintain, in educational environments, the cognitive skills of the book reader, here referred to as the contemplative reader, since the book, among all media, is the one that works as a prosthesis for the development of reflexivity.


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Author Biography

  • Lucia Santaella, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo

    Researcher 1-A of Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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How to Cite

Santaella, L. (2019). The book as a cognitive prosthesis. MATRIZes, 13(3), 21-35.