Towards a transnational approach to Latin American television: journeys, borders, and centers and peripheries




Transnational television, Latin American history, Fragmented unity, Streaming platforms, Multiple centers and peripheries


The present paper proposes a historical transnational approach with the aim of grasping the main patterns and challenges in the production and consumption of television contents in the region. Instead of focusing on national cases, as most studies on the field do, I would like to focus here on the transnational circulation of Latin American television through the journeys and passages of producers, entrepreneurs, contents, and technologies across the region from the 1950s to the present. The resulting remapping of Latin American television prompts us to consider the linguistic and cultural obstacles and barriers affecting the circulation of television contents produced in the region as well as the established power asymmetries and hierarchies among Latin American countries.


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Author Biography

  • Nahuel Ribke, Open University de Israel

    Professor da Open University de Israel. Seus interesses de pesquisa voltam-se aos processos institucionais e culturais relacionados à mídia de massa latino-americana, política de celebridades e história dos meios massivos. Publicou, em 2020, o livro Transnational Latin American Television: Genres, Formats and Adaptations (Routledge).


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How to Cite

Ribke, N. (2021). Towards a transnational approach to Latin American television: journeys, borders, and centers and peripheries. MATRIZes, 15(2), 55-71.