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Author Guidelines

The Revista da Biologia publish Articles, Essays, and Reviews of several Biological areas. The manuscripts are published in a clear language for all readers and without costs for the authors.

The manuscripts are published in English or Portuguese (with abstract in English).

We encourage the use of Manuscript model and of Review sheet (both available in English and Portuguese)

Manuscripts formats accepted

1) Article: original scientific data.

2) Essay: theoretical discussions.

3) Review: summary of the current knowledge and pointing of future directions of research.

4) Method: description about laboratories procedures.

Extended abstracts

The Revista da Biologia accepts extended abstracts from scientific conferences (congress/symposiums/meetings), providing that they abide to the following rules:

1) The extended abstract must have three to four pages maximum in the main text (introduction, methods, results, discussion and conclusion) and one to two pages of references;

2) It must be in accordance to the rules and guidelines of this journal;

3) The organizers of the event are responsible for the selection of the best extended abstracts in their events. We only accept for publication the best awarded abstracts of the scientific events;

4) The extended abstracts will follow through peer-review process, and therefore they can be rejected. The journal will not automatically accept the extended abstracts following their submission;

5) We do not accept bibliographic reviews as extended abstracts;

6) Extended abstracts must be submitted from August to November. We will not accept submissions made in other months;

7) Extended abstracts are published in a special volume whether there are, at least, five accepted peer-reviewed abstracts. If this limit is not reached, the special volume will not be published.


The main rule is to be simple. Restrict use of technical language, abbreviatures and short names for the essential only, and, if necessary, these should be stated the first time they appear in the text. The text must contain 50 pages maximum in Word format (or similar), 12 point font (Arial or Times New Roman) and double-spacing.

We strongly suggest that the authors include at least one figure that synthetizes the relevant information descripted in their manuscript (infographic, follow the example provided by the interface Mind the Graph).

The author must include in the manuscript text (.doc or .odt format) the figures and tables in the size and position intended, although the final decision of the positioning of the images in the text will be of the diagrammator.

Additionally, the figures must be sent in high-quality (minimum 300 dpi for images in black-and-white or graphics and 600 dpi for colored images, in .tiff, .png or .jpgf ormat); tables must also be sent as different files in image format (.tiff, .png or .jpeg).

We advise using the Manuscript Model (available at for writing your article; the model indicates guidelines for title, abstract, keywords, references, etc.

It is permitted the inclusion of supplementary material (appendix) such as texts, videos, photos, codes or raw data. All supplementary material must be sent during the submission of the article as different files. An appendix is referred to as any information that is relevant, but not essential for the comprehension of the manuscript.

Ps.: The authors should point out two researchers with experience in the specific field of the manuscript for potential reviewers to help the editorial board; the editorial board will check the reviewers choices according to the evaluation guidelines of this journal.



Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The present study was approved by the corresponding ethicals committee (only for articles that contain animal and/or people experiments; indicate in the methodology section);

  • The present study was developed under all necessary licenses (please indicate the license number, when necessary, in the methodology section);
  • The text must be original, but it is allowed to submit previously published manuscripts in the Preprints format, as long as the original Preprint link appears at the end of the article.
  • Funding agencies had no scientific collaboration in the present study (in case there is, please describe the scientific roll of all fundings and sponsorings in the acknowledgment session)
  • The present study was developed under the corresponding consent form (only for studies that involve people).


Política padrão de seção

Extended Abstracts

Revista da Biologia accepts extended abstracts from scientific conferences (congress/symposiums/meetings) since they follow the following rules:

1) The extended abstract must have three to four pages in the main text (introduction, methods, results, discussion and conclusion) and one to two pages of references;

2) It must be according the rules and Guidelines of this journal;

3) The organizers of the event are responsible for select the best extended abstracts. This journal accepts only the awarded abstracts of scientific conferences;

4) The extended abstracts are going to be peer-reviewed. It means that they are not automatically accepted by this journal following submission;

5) It is not accepted bibliographic reviews;

6) Extended abstracts must be submitted from August to November. This journal does not accept submissions made in other months;

7) Extended abstracts are published in an especial volume whether there are, at least, five accepted peer-reviewed abstracts. If this limit is not reached, the especial volume is not published.

Privacy Statement

The names and addresses informed in this journal will be used exclusively for the services concerning this publication, and will not be made available to third parties or other means.