Rhetoric and Memory in Ancient Rome


  • Adriano Scatolin Universidade de São Paulo. Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas




Memory, rhetoric, ancient mnemonic system, Cicero, Quintilian.


This paper presents the theoretical treatment of memory in the ancient rhetorical system. It then exemplifies it through anecdotal reports from Cicero and Quintilian. After a brief introduction (I), this paper expounds the importance of me-mory for Romans in general and, more specifically, for orators (II); the metaphors the ancients applied to memory (III); his-torical figures from Antiquity notorious for their prodigious memory (IV); the difference between natural memory and artificial memory (V); the mnemonic system of places and images (VI); examples of use and misuse of memory by ora-tors (VII); and a brief conclusion (VIII).


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How to Cite

Rhetoric and Memory in Ancient Rome. (2016). Revista Música, 16(1), 25-39. https://doi.org/10.11606/rm.v16i1.125005