Perceptions of the impact of the pandemic on the academic environment of music: an open essay on temporality and musicality




Pandemic, Digital culture, Emotions of musicians, COVID-19


This critical essay discusses the Covid-19 pandemic scenario and its demands in the field of Graduate Studies in Music, with special attention to the notions of musicality and temporality. It takes as a basis, in addition to scientific studies, articles linked in the media and alternative vehicles. Reports collected in surveys carried out from March to October 2020 in the institutional virtual learning environment substantiate the reflections, seeking to trace difficulties and overcoming observed among students in their relations with music and their emotional states. Retrieving data on the impact of remote education the emotional states of this population, the work seeks to delineate the possibilities and setbacks of connections on different interfaces, whether affective or technological. This time frame is divided into three movements and traces at the end, in an optimistic approach, achievable paths in face of the unpredictability and instability of this new reality.


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Author Biographies

  • Luciane Cuervo, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Instituto de Artes

    Luciane Cuervo is a professor in the Music Department of the Arts Institute of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, develops works with an interdisciplinary approach between music, education and neurosciences. Graduated in Music / UFRGS, with emphasis on recorder, Master in Education by the Graduate Program of the Faculty of Education at UFRGS, PhD in Informatics in Education / PGIE-UFRGS. Specialist in interdisciplinary neuropsychology. She served as an honorary visiting researcher at the Institute of Education at University College London in the Music Education class of Professor Graham Welch (2015-2016), with whom she maintains research partnerships. As an interpreter, she is dedicated to the interpretation of ancient and contemporary music, having debuted numerous compositions by Brazilian authors for recorder. He is dedicated to interdisciplinary research on human musicality, in the main themes: teacher training - musical practices (voice and recorder), musical cognition, performance in the context of digital culture.

  • Pedro Ricardo Bücker Santiago, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Instituto de Artes

    Pedro Ricardo Bücker Santiago is a doctor graduated from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) in 2015 and a former psychology student contemplated by the Bolsa Mérito program by the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS). Currently, he is studying the eighth semester of the Bachelor of Popular Music at UFRGS. He has been working as a general practitioner in the metropolitan region of Porto Alegre since 2015, working as a primary care and secondary care professional, serving in the Basic Health Unit and in CAPS AD (Psychosocial Care Center - Alcohol and other Drugs) - where he participates in the care SUS users with issues related to the use of psychoactive substances. Musician and guitarist, he participates in the local scene of Porto Alegre with authorial projects and covers since 2005, in addition to acting as a private guitar and music theory teacher. He was professor of Music Theory and Perception at the Theory and Music Perception Workshop at the UFRGS Institute of Arts, working in the extension activities of this University during 2019.


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How to Cite

Perceptions of the impact of the pandemic on the academic environment of music: an open essay on temporality and musicality . (2020). Revista Música, 20(2), 357-378.