Trembling with joy: the harpsichord as noise in the process of a collaborative creation


  • Austeclinio Lopes de Farias Universidade de Brasília
  • Pedro Ribeiro Cardoso Universidade de Brasília



Figural, Rewriting, Composition, Harpsichord, Baroque


The present article has as its central theme the creative process in the production of the piece Dedicated to a Young Man who Wanders in a Volcanic Landscape while Trembling with Joy by XXXX, composed for and in collaboration with the harpsichordist XXXX, and its exploration of the potential of the harpsichord as an instrument aimed at generating noise, and the links that such a conception provides in relation to Baroque composition. In the first part of the text, the concepts of liminality and spatialization are approached, in order to understand how the musical baroque, according to the composer and philosopher Hugues Dufourt, stands out as a code that tensions purely linear notions of musical structuring, culminating in the raising of the concept of continuum . In a second moment, we will approach the understanding of figural as used by the philosopher Gilles Deleuze, and the one of rewriting, as understood by the composer Silvio Ferraz to understand procedures used in the assembly of the composition discussed in the present article. After introducing the concepts that operate in the formalization of the piece, it will be developed, from a technical point of view, how the particularities of the harpsichord articulate such notions, as well as how the collaboration in the compositional process took place.


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How to Cite

Trembling with joy: the harpsichord as noise in the process of a collaborative creation: . (2022). Revista Música, 22(1), 123-142.